02 December, 2008

NaNo Failure

As you are not aware, I have participated in National Novel Writing Month during November. I told you I would win, and upload a 50,000 word novel for you all to read and rip your eyes out to. I failed. Yes, I lied. But I don't care.

I set out at the beginning of November ready to write a 50,000 word novel. I ended up with a 20,000 word not-novel. A half-novel. A disgrace to a novella.


But I was unprepared! I shall do better some other time!!! So while I promised you a brand new 50,000 word novel, I can't give it to you. But I will upload my 20,000 word failure, if anyone's interested, soon.

Also, I will resume putting 2244 up, chapter-by-chapter or whatever.

And much more is on the way; I've been having ideas much like Brush With Death, and it will only take a little push to get me to finish.
Thanx, bye.

EDIT: I have resumed writing my NaNo, but I will also post the first 2 chapters up at the end of January 2009. 2246 begins again this weekend.

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