24 January, 2009

'Sup w/ me?

So I thought I'd do a more personal bloggy message thing. I know this sounds really unprofessional; never start a sentence with "so." Don't use "bloggy." Don't use "thing." Whatever. 

So, I have mid-term exams this week. I totally aced my world history exam, though I don't know about the others. Spanish was pretty easy.

I have four more to take Monday and Tuesday; Then I have a day off, then I have to go back to school. Gonna be fun.

Personal life is improving, I think, and thus making my internet life go down bit by bit by bit.

I finished Valentine's Exile today, and am going to start the next one tonight.

I have a few million ideas for my old NaNo, so my mind is clogged. No writing for a bit. No matter, though; I'm in no rush.

I have SO MUCH stuff to do for school lately...it's not even funny. I can't do ANYTHING; well, I can, but I shouldn't and I am going to end up pushing a few papers, reading projects, group projects and more until the due date. Ridiculous. I feel like a leprechaun with too much gold...if that makes any sense whatsoever.

So don't be sad if I forget to post something, or don't respond to comments (which I have yet to get; my popularity isn't that huge right now.)


17 January, 2009

2246 Chapter 4 is up, as promised!

I told you all I'd have a new segment of 2246, my old, inactive story (currently 35,000 words long) up this week. So here it is!

Or...you could just click the link in the sidebar.


I just realized...I never finished Chapter 5, nor have I gotten any further. So this is the last segment of 2246, possibly forever unless I get the urge to write my really, really bad, really, really old book again. So I guess you'll have to imagine what happens next.

11 January, 2009

NaNo Progress

Hey all. I've been writing...!

This friday my work was just under 25,000 words; about 500 words, actually. Now, two days later, I have 27,000 words and counting!

I am most definitely posting the first two chapters, after some editing, at the end of January, as promised. I may self-publish the book, though, so you may not be able to read the full version here. Perhaps you'll like the preview enough to buy it.

10 January, 2009

A Great Fantasy Forum

Hello. As part of the promotion for this site, I have been linking around on a forum I participate in. My username is BrainFry; you may have seen me on there (I got the most posts! A story about that later...)

The forum is called Dungeon Fantasy, and basically, it's a message board all about fantasy stuff. It's kind of good right now because there's enough people to get a response out of but not hundreds and hundreds. Nevertheless, I think the more the merrier. So, if you'd like to visit Dungeon Fantasy, go to http://www.dungeonfantasy.proboards.com/ and participate!

...So I guess you were wondering about that story? No? Well, here goes anyway:

I stumbled upon the old site of Dungeon Fantasy, back when it was called Fantasy Forums, right when it was about to close. Months, and months, and months later, still nothnig. Then one day I was cleaning out my favorites list in IE and found the site. I visited it, and got forwarded to the new site, and voila! It was brand new too; less than a month when I joined. So now I am ranked number one, because...I...get...bored. No, seriously, there's a great game of PBP that goes on between Throndir and I so that's always fun. And I write about movies and stuff, good books I'm reading, much like here, and more.

So that's the story!

New Stuffs

So I've been working on screenplays like I mentioned last post.... They are very hard. I like writing a coherent story where you don't have to worry about punctuation as much as characters. I wanted to get you all up to speed on the new site updates.

I changed the template because I'm actually going to start using this site. Once I shut down my other sites this might be my last one, until, if, I decide to get a NEW brainfry-related site so I can get some better features and stuff, plus more hits.

I updated, like I said. A lot. 3 new blog entries this week. New updates in the Stories page, so I can let you all know what I'm working on and when new material will be up, starting soon. I changed the homepage up a little, just to make it easier to read...and a little less snarky. Deleted those old brain graphics.

I also wanna share this picture with you:
Ok, so what it is is this guy who draws on sidewalks and streets with oil pastels and chalk. He makes it look so real, and three demensional, when in fact it's just on the ground. If you haven't heard of him already, you might get a chain mail or something.

I have some more pictures of his work if I feel like uploading them later. Pretty neat shiz.
So yeah, for my heads-up:
Look forward to the first 2 chapters of my NaNoWriMo, coming February first, as well as some more 2246 sometime this month.

07 January, 2009

Film School

Anyone ever heard of Film School? Where people go to learn how to make movies, or be involved in Film at least.

I have, and I can tell you, it sounds very, very interesting.

I wish I had more of a responsive viewership, or even a viewership period. I think if this was solely a Blogging site, I would get much more hits simply because I would advertise it more. And probably change hosts; sorry Freewebs.
Still, for my views, I am blogging. I don't know why people blog. Eh. It's kind of fun. Keeping me from doing real work.

ANYWAY...I wanna go to Film School. It's expensive in some places, like a lot, but perhaps a scholarship would help there. Not that I've ever even done anything Film related at all; I just love films.

I do know that if I even want to impress these people I need to write movie scripts. Perhaps my writing so far will help me out there. Believe it or not, I have about a hundred pages of already written stuff, just spread out and unfinished, therefore not on the site.

So Script-Writing is there. Must learn how to do that. Internet is the source of all knowledge; I'll try there. I know they have classes just for that at Film School. There, I also hope to learn about pre and post-production, as well as directing.

If anyone thinks this is a waste of time, tell me!

05 January, 2009

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.

Though the author's name is a mouthful, this book is by far one of the best I have ever read. It is a really long, really fantastic book, with magic, swords, brutality among homeless heroes, you name it. Honestly, it's very, very good.
Robert Jordan is a new author; I set out on a winter break day with the goal of finding a NEW fantasy author, one that is good and I will continue to read as he writes, not try to catch up. I think I did too good; he won't be able to write fast enough!

Without ruining it, I'll try to sum it up.

Kvothe is a bartender; but he was much more. He tells his story, in his own words, so that we all may hear.

That's it, basically; it's him, telling his story. It starts when he was a kid, and works it's way up; this is part 1 of 3, a 700 page novel. I couldn't put it down; finished in a little over a week.

VERY VERY VERY VERY good. Read it, if you dare. I'm preordering the sequel.

Okay, so Twilight fans will dig the first person, even though I despise Twilight and tend to dislike first person, this is a whole new thing. Don't let it turn you off. Other than that, if you like Harry Potter at all, or liked it when you were younger, read this. It's very adult, and very much more origional. Any fantasy lover will like it as well. Robert Jordan fans will enjoy the small hidden things and the change of pace.


I forgot my stars! Five stars, five stars! * * * * *
In the words of a Fantasy Fiction reviewer, there should be six stars for a book like this.

For reviews that are ten times more professional and just as much better than mine, plus less hastily written, I may add, go here:

Plus, this book is highly hailed there, and it's #1 on FanLit Favorites. I don't know...but I think that's a sign that you should read it.


Well, Freewebs updated it's blogs, so now all my old entries are practically unformatted. No matter. I'm starting to redo this whole 'Site-based thing.' What I mean is, I have a reason to write now.

First post of the New Year by the way. Happy New Year.

My reason? Did you know how easy it is to get a book published, or even self-publish it? No? Well, you should. Anyway, that'll happen to me someday. If I keep at it.

So I picked up my old NaNoWriMo 2008 that I failed during christmas break. I wrote 2000 words! That's about 2.5 pages, guys. So I'm happy I can get that going again; I'll need to re-read and edit it eventually, but I am determined to get the story down.

While I might not publish this one (I am quite sure I wont) it will help me in the long-run. As a portfolio show-off or something. Plus it will go on this site for free if it is not published.
I'll tell you a story:

Long ago there was a little boy with a broken Playstation 2. What's this? A way to fix your playstation if it is not reading your discs? Only two dollars on E-bay? Okay! Downloading. And the little boy's playstation was fixed.

Yes, this happened to me; only my dad downloaded it, and found out about it, there WAS a guide available via E-bay for around two bucks to fix your Playstation. It told you how to take it apart and everything. I think you can get it on Youtube now. Anyway, that guy got some money for figuring something out.

1) he figured out how to fix a playstation and
2) he figured out that he could write for money.

This will go good in my 'future options' thingy. The one in my brain.

I also learned a lot of HTML this weekend. I plan to learn more sometime, then move on to C++. Java comes next. Programming is a popular thing nowadays. Perhaps I can make an online game someday and gimmick money out of little nerd-boy's parents. I found a game the other day that CHARGED YOU to make your OWN GAME. Pretty ridiculous, but ingenious. The user has to do all the work, minus a little of the harder coding bits (at the webmaster's expense) and they got a game, and he got some money.

Writing, coding, what else? I'll tell you. A regular job. Whatever it may be. I'm thinking military, but I will go along with the Film industry. Hope you don't hate Hollywood. I hate some of the more stoopid ones. Beverly Hills Chiauha, I'm talking to you!

Sounds like a lot of fun to me. Fun work. But is that possible?